About me
Welcome and thank you for being here!
My name is Asta and I am a wildish mom of two little girls – Leila and Sofía. The seeds for this blog were sown a few years ago during a long trip across Patagonia, Argentina. I realised that I wanted to live my life more fully and to be more present with all my experiences – the wild and wonderful, but also with those that I saw as unwanted. This turned into a series of reflections during my pregnancies and became an important ritual in preparation for the home births of our daughters.
Every morning Leila and Sofía wake up so full of energy and enthusiasm to play, curiosity to explore and discover. And thus they spend the entire day until the last moment when they fall asleep full of wonder and ready to start it all over again.
While watching them, it seems so strange that we completely lose touch with this state of wildish wonder when we enter the world of the adulthood. Our lives get filled with rules and responsibilities, expectations and limitations. Many of us forget our true passions and stop following our joy (because ‘what kind of world would it be everyone did that?’*). So with Leila and Sofía as my little gurus, I want to get back to living my life even more fully, to learn and – maybe more importantly – unlearn. I want to capture everything that is different, unexpected and perhaps even challenges the commonly accepted rules of life and parenting. This page is about those things, books, places, recipes, ideas, stories and people that are so wonderful they make me want to jump on the bed from excitement!
Do you have any such ideas? Or perhaps a wonderful story that you want to share? If so, get in touch and let’s meet on the wildish side!