When I look at little girls’ pretty dresses,
I wonder…
What if they weren’t created to make girls look like dolls?
What if they had pockets where girls could keep their treasures?
What if they didn’t have buttons in places that girls cannot reach themselves?
What would the little girls learn then – about this world and about how big they really are?
Little girls’ pretty dresses
Sacred work
Asta, , Notes & Quotes, cacao ceremonies, inspiration, inspiring books, mindfulness, sacred work, writing, 0Someone once asked Somerset Maugham if he wrote on a schedule or only when struck by inspiration. “I write...
Asta, , Notes & Quotes, dog inspiration, forgiveness, losing and finding, self-love, 0So you know my firm declaration of last week? It didn’t quite work out that way. Pepe, our puppy,...
Who stops you?
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Tuning in to switch off
Asta, , Notes & Quotes, Places & Travel, childhood, obedience, punishment, self-love, 0We have been on holidays in Argentina and Brasil for nearly two weeks now, and it has been absolutely...
Mirrors and doors
Asta, , Notes & Quotes, empowerment, loving what is, magic, self-love, 0What if it’s true that mirrors are not just mere reflections of our world? What if instead, they are...
Asta, , Notes & Quotes, Alanis Morissette, conscious parenting, home birth, manifesting your future, pregnancy, 1It was at the end of October last year that I decided to write this blog regularly and reflect...
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