
A powerful kind of day

Yesterday was such a beautifully powerful day. I LOVED the relief that followed my adrenaline-fueled expression of anger so intense…

What are your superpowers?

One of my early childhood memories is climbing over the piles of laundry in our hallway with a book in…

What you see is what you get

How can “what you see is what you get” ever be the case? How can anyone be summed up this…

The shadows of the past

We keep stirring up the cauldron of the past. We keep dressing ourselves up in the same old costumes that…

Mirrors and doors

What if it’s true that mirrors are not just mere reflections of our world? What if instead, they are actually…

Living unconditionally

What if “you have hurt my feelings” or “you make me so angry/sad/happy/etc.” are untruths that we have learned? What…

Here be dragons

In the medieval times there used to be a practice of putting "HC SVNT Dracones" or "Here be dragons" at…

The art of self-healing – conversation with Meir Schneider

A few years ago when I embarked on my journey to learn about Bates' Method for natural vision improvement, I discovered…

One beautiful birth story

After having such a powerful home birth experience, I really wanted to share my wild and wonderful story in Lithuania,…

The Closing of the Bones Ceremony

The night before I am feeling a little strange, nervous in a way that I wasn't even before labour. Not…