
Lessons from a toddler

It is so ingrained in our society that kids need to be educated, socialised, and learn the rules of the…

What you see is what you get

How can “what you see is what you get” ever be the case? How can anyone be summed up this…

The shadows of the past

We keep stirring up the cauldron of the past. We keep dressing ourselves up in the same old costumes that…

On being creative

Please don’t say, “I am not creative”. Out loud or even to yourself. Creativity is not something that can be…

Living unconditionally

What if “you have hurt my feelings” or “you make me so angry/sad/happy/etc.” are untruths that we have learned? What…

Here be dragons

In the medieval times there used to be a practice of putting "HC SVNT Dracones" or "Here be dragons" at…

The magic of abundance

Inspired by a few recent conversations and the overflowing fullness of the festive season, here is the list of my…

Glide with flow

We went ice-skating last week at a Christmas market in a nearby village. And I'm just going to go ahead…

How do I compare?

It keeps pulling me in. This relentless, restless need to compare myself. To everyone, including to my own earlier vrersions.…

Always here

I first had this realisation years ago while walking along a busy street in London - I remember briefly closing…