following joy

Writing from the heart – conversation with Ashmi Pathela

I do not remember how or when exactly I discovered author and artist Ashmi Pathela on Instagram but the connection and…

The London conspiracy

It even rained perfectly. Enough to feel the familiar spirit of the city but without the need for an umbrella.…

Apple or banana?..

You see - I believe (profoundly) that every single split second is like a portal to another reality. Like, literally,…

We are really really all right

Isn’t it just absolutely amazing - the speed of our evolution as a species and the rapid expansion of the…

All that matters

Don’t you know - how much all of it matters? The tiniest thing, the most insignificant choice, the smallest detail…

Who stops you?

What is it that you want to do? Start that new dance class that will take ages to master? Say…

Lessons from a toddler

It is so ingrained in our society that kids need to be educated, socialised, and learn the rules of the…

On ease

It seems that so much of our lives we spend being convinced that difficulties are not only inevitable AND necessary,…

Lesson from the snails

I have this whole theory of how the Universe might be a massive ever expanding snail seeing itself for the…

Decide like a two-year-old

Is there a 2-year-old in your life? No? Here is what you are missing out on. “I want shoes. Shoes!…