Writing from the heart – conversation with Ashmi Pathela

I do not remember how or when exactly I discovered author and artist Ashmi Pathela on Instagram but the connection and the resonance with her insights were instant. Her messages radiate positivity and encouragement as day after day Ashmi continues to focus on the highest, most uplifted timeline for herself and the entire humanity.

We sat down with Ashmi to talk about her journey of stepping out of a busy career in Silicon Valley and immersing herself into creativity and writing. She shares about the process of writing and self-publishing her first book, Awakening the Heart of Humanity. Challenges, helpful practices and work with limiting beliefs – we dive into all of it.  Whether it’s your art or life in general, if you’d like to tap into more conscious creation, Ashmi’s reflections will truly inspire you to connect with your heart’s guidance within.

Please visit Ashmi’s website and Instagram to find out more about her work and art.

Thank you for all your light and inspiration, Ashmi!


Categories: People & Stories
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